Criminal Justice in the US and Scandinavia
The study abroad program, Comparative Criminal Justice Studies, will be in Copenhagen, starting in spring 2025. We will focus primarily on comparing criminal justice systems in the United States and Scandinavia. Through three courses, students will learn about extreme differences in approaches to criminal justice. Professor Scott will teach a course on the US system, known to incarcerate more of our citizens and racial minorities than any other country, in one of the most harsh and punitive systems in the world. A Danish professor will teach a course on the Scandinavian systems, which vary but are all based on humane, rehabilitative models that contrast sharply with the US approach to crime and punishment. The third course will also be taught by a Danish professor and will focus on human trafficking. The program includes two study trips—one within Denmark to examine field sites related to the criminal justice system, and a second to Sweden or Amsterdam, where we will learn about the approaches to human trafficking and incarceration in those countries. The study trips are included in the base price of the study abroad program.
This course would fulfill academic goals for Sociology majors and minors, Criminology Minors, GSS majors, Political Science Majors, and Legal Studies minors.
GEO program fees for students cover tuition, housing (additional fee for homestay required in fall), excursions, books, some meals, course materials, and on-site orientation. Insurance and a 24-hour emergency service are also included. For information on scholarship funding, please visit the
Scholarships page on our website.
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